Date Posted
The Company is still pushing its retrogressive demands on pensions, healthcare, disability and absence and is still refusing to discuss any of the issues facing our current Retirees. Many of our active and retired Members are also Shareholders. We need you to send a message to the Board of Directors that we do not agree with the way they are leading this Company during this bargaining. We can do that with our votes for the Shareholders meeting April 24, 2015, being held in Spokane, Washington. Some of our Locals will be there in person. Even if by some miracle we have settled our Contract by then, District 3 (AT&T Southeast) will be preparing to bargain. So - vote your Proxy Now! #1: Management proposal for Individual Directors - VOTE AGAINST #2: Management proposal to approve Ernst & Young as Auditor - VOTE AGAINST #3: Advisory Approval of Executive Compensation - Management proposal to approve the pay and the method of paying Executives - VOTE AGAINST Check out page 53 of the proxy report - the top three Executives average $13 million EACH! None get less than a $1.4 million Pension ( not counting stocks). Check out page 55 - they want to increase OUR health care costs and freeze OUR pensions? NO WAY! #4: Shareholder Proposal on Political Expenditures - VOTE FOR #5: Shareholder Proposal (from the UAW) on Lobbying - VOTE FOR These proposals will help reveal Company lobbying money going to anti-workers and anti-Union organizations. #6: Shareholder Proposal Right to Act (#6 on proxy) - VOTE FOR Asks the board to create a policy whereby some minimum amount of Shareholder votes could call for a Shareholders meeting to discuss items of interest to Shareholders. Join the fight. Mobilize for FAIRNESS. Keep informed. Go to