I am so excited and proud to announce that after months of work behind the scenes, getting this perfected for our members, we are launching our brand new, mobile friendly, information filled, new and definitely improved website! The website will be fully up and running within 48 hours of the time the programming is changed. That change is happening today as you receive this message.
Becoming your newly elected Secretary-Treasurer is an honor that I take seriously. Being fiscally responsible for our financial stability, in my opinion, is also coupled with ensuring that our members feel fully informed of what is happening in our union both locally as well as nationally. That is why one of my goals was to increase and provide better communication to the membership across all departments. With our recent changes in communicating electronically, along with the website changes, you may have already noticed a great new feature, the INSiDE WiRE newsletter. You can also look forward to department specific communications. Each department will have their own page and will share departmental info there. The new platform allows us to communicate updates as they happen and get the information directly to your personal email box within minutes, as opposed to our old platform that could take up to 12 hours. Included in our new communication package we will also have text blasts for our most urgent reminders and updates. Although the website itself is new, you can still find us at www.cwa1298.org. In this undertaking of getting the website up and running, I prioritized ensuring all our previous content was still available and accessible. I hope you will be as happy and excited about our new communication tools as I am.
Please feel free to reach out to me directly if you have any ideas or information you'd like to see on our new and improved website. I always love speaking to our members and hearing your ideas and input about our local.