Date Posted
A Message from the 1298 Election Committee
CWA Local 1298 will be holding our Candidates Night on Thursday October 12, 2023 at Devonshire Hall located at 105 Sanford St in Hamden. Please plan on arriving by 6:45 so you can submit your written questions. The 2 Executive Board positions that will be participating in Candidates Night are, President and Vice-President Plant 2.
Below are the rules on how the meeting will be conducted:
- All Candidates should plan on being at Devonshire Hall no later than 6:30PM.
- Before the debate begins, the Moderator will meet with all the candidates to review the rules and how time will be kept.
- The rules will also be reviewed with the membership before the debate begins, at which time the Moderator will encourage them to write out their questions to the candidates and deposit their questions in the boxes provided in the rear of the room. Questions can be submitted between the timeframe of 6:45-7:15PM, the debate will begin promptly thereafter.
- All questions will be in writing and go through the Moderator. The Moderator will edit out duplicate and inappropriate questions.
- Candidates running unopposed will not be allowed to address the membership.
- The order in which the candidates for each office speak will be determined by lot.
- For each department, each candidate will have up to three (3) minutes to address the membership with an opening statement, followed by written questions submitted from the audience after all have spoken. Each candidate will be allowed 2 minutes to respond, with a maximum 30-minute block of time allotted for each department’s candidates to respond to questions (so that there will be time for every department’s candidates, depending on # of candidates).
- After all of the candidates have spoken and responded to written questions, an open question and answer period will follow so that members may ask individual questions to the candidates (time permitting). This process will also be overseen by the Moderator.