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Big news! We got back the strike vote results and over 93% of AT&T Mobility workers voted yes. That means, if necessary, we will go on strike to get what we deserve at AT&T. AT&T is a multi-billion dollar corporation that is making record profits because of our hard work taking care of the customers, selling the phones, and maintaining the network. We deserve our fair share.   Here's what Your Bargaining Committee is discussing in Negotiations: Wages Benefits Job Security Commissions Transfers Holidays Job openings Scheduling Call Out and On-Call Pay Overtime and differentials Attendance And more… Have a question about bargaining, striking, or where we go from here? Check out our list of Frequently asked Questions here. ANGRY AND READY TO TAKE ACTION? February 9, 10, and 11 we are showing our unity by calling management (Either your Vice President General Manager, Director, or Regional Manger) to demand a fair contract. It's simple! All you have to do is call and say: " Hi, My name is _____, I work at ________(store/center/as a tech), and I'm calling to say we demand a fair contract! " Let us know you're calling by RSVPing here.