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Sounds like a cliche - What does Labor Day Mean to You?  You have heard it all before, but do you really stop to think why we celebrate Labor Day?  For some it means a day off and the last days of summer, others think it means overtime, some get no overtime but still work,  and if you are really unfortunate, it may mean you have no job.  Either way, we celebrate Labor Day so that we can honor the fights like the Ludlow Massacre, where people stood and died for fair treatment.  Those fights helped bring us worker's rights,  equal pay and fair and just treatment in the work place.   We are grateful for the jobs we have as so should our employer be grateful that we are working with them to make them successful.  Without Labor there is no success for the working class or for the employer.  Thanks to people like Mother Jones, Cesar Chavez and A. Philip Randolph for the struggles to move the Labor Movement forward.   Here are some key moments in Labor History  Click Here.