Date Posted

The Collective Bargaining Agreements between CWA and Frontier expires at 11:59 PM, October 19, 2024. Your input is critically important to ensure that the needs and concerns of the membership are addressed. Please take a moment to complete this survey. Feel free to offer other suggestions you may have for placing on the agenda for the upcoming negotiations in the “other” field of the survey.

After filling out the survey please click the link in the confirmation message to sign-up for text messaging alerts.

Your Information

Please advise if you are willing to increase your level of involvement by at least one step to obtain a fair contract?

Full Name
Work Information
Please Rate

Indicate the level of importance that you place on each item below, 1= least important and 5= most important.

Please use the field below to explain an additional issue.
Please explain other issue from above.
How Involved Are You?

In order to achieve the best contract possible, active membership participation is critical.  The best negotiating team is only as effective as the resolve of the membership. It is always important that the membership demonstrate their support of their bargaining team to the company. Please indicate below your current level of involvement in the Union:

Level of Involvement
Forgets to wear Red but would not cross a picket line.
Sometimes wears Red on Thursday but doesn’t attend meetings.
Wears Red, attends some meeting will participate in mobilization if directed to by my Chief/Steward.
Willing to participate in all mobilization activities, attend meetings, share information and encourage my fellow members to do the same
Union Steward who is ready to do whatever it takes to get a good contract including volunteering after hours and coordinating members for mobilization.
Increase Involvement
Please advise if you are willing to increase your level of involvement by at least one step to obtain a fair contract?