Ed Hawthorne, President of the Connecticut AFL-CIO, and Shellye Davis, Executive Vice President of the Connecticut AFL-CIO, made the following statement in response to the 2022 election results:
“This was a big night for working people in Connecticut. We successfully helped elect a large number of union members, candidates who truly understand what it takes to make ends meet. Workers are going to benefit from having an impressive number of union leaders serving in the state senate who are fighting for their interests rather than the interests of corporate CEOs. We’re proud to have helped elect union members and state senate candidates Jan Hochadel (AFT), Jorge Cabrera (UFCW), Cathy Osten (SEIU), Martha Marx (AFT), and Julie Kushner (UAW).
“Quite simply, the victories we saw in close races were fueled by the work of hundreds of union volunteers who knocked doors, made phone calls, sent mail, and made worksite visits. Those conversations led working people to turn out and vote in waves, defying the odds and denying political extremists the power to further erode our freedoms and rig the economy to their benefit.
“The Connecticut AFL-CIO led a massive program to educate our members and get out the vote. Our volunteers made over 82,000 contacts on the doors and phones and mailed out nearly 115,000 pieces of mail. But our work doesn’t end on Election Day. In fact, it’s just getting started.”