Date Posted

A message from Secretary-Treasurer Louise Gibson

Today, many Frontier members received an email advising that they would be receiving “Return of Excess Contributions” from their 401k plan. I wanted to provide some background on this issue. This first occurred when Frontier cut over to UKG for payroll on 7/5/2024 and wasn’t corrected until the 11/8/2024 payroll. The payroll system was taking our 401k employee % contribution off of either a 75 or 80 hour bi-weekly pay period. The system did NOT take into consideration any unpaid time i.e. Unpaid Sick Time, Unpaid FMLA time, Unpaid Union time, EWX time and Workers Compensation time when not paid 100% of your wages by Frontier. Since this money went into your 401k account tax free, it will be taxed when returned to you by Fidelity via a paper check. Frontier will be setting up an informational session to explain this issue in detail and those affected will receive an invite to attend. You will receive this info before the end of the week.